My mother always taught us how to make due. It wasn't that we couldn't have nice things we were just sometimes going to have to get creative on how we were going get them. This is why I was taught to sew by the time I was eight. If I wanted a new outfit... I had to make it. Or I would buy something at the thrift store and remake it to look like what I was dreaming of.
Mom grew up in a house with 12 kids during the depression and there was not going to be any whining from her kids about how they wanted something.
These talents are a family trait that I have taken for granted for years. We all do it, aunts, uncles,cousins, brother sister.. and then there are my daughters.
Daughter number one gets it, sometimes to the point of driving me crazy. And then there is daughter number two...
This daughter is my lawyer and loves nice things like coach purses and prada image my concern when she announced that she was getting married.
How could I possibly afford to give her the wedding of her dreams?
But as a parent this has turned out to be one of my proudest moments...she is making her invitations and searching for bargins that would make her grandmother proud.
Who new that she had been paying attention all these years..she isn't going to settle..she knows what she wants and she knows hos to get it. See mama I taught her well.